Ladies and Gentlemen! Drum roll please! *dundundundun* Welcome to the first ever Tip Tuesday on our blog!
At Stapley Accounting our mission is not only to dedicate our business to you and your accounts, but to help you become educated with modern finance and accounting. So, as a means to help out our followers and clients, we have decided to set up a weekly tip update. Every month we will focus on a program or topic to give tips on and then each week on Tuesday we will give a new tip that will help make your experience with that particular program or topic more smooth.
For the month of September we are focusing on the Windows program itself! So if you have a PC computer anywhere in your vicinity strap yourselves in to receive some major tips that may help you as you operate your computer!
As they say, less is more! Personally, I am always looking for shortcuts to save time, cursor movement, and key strokes. Here’s a trick I found and really like for Windows – “Drag to Pin Windows”.
If you grab any window and drag it to the side of the screen it will change size and “fit” to half the screen. The rest of the windows will shrink, then you can select a second window to fill the other half of the screen, if you desire.
Grab a window and move it to any corner of the screen and it will fill a quarter of the screen.
If you are using multiple screens, drag a window deep into any corner and watch for a prompt, then, release and it will fill another quarter of a screen.
Hopefully that tip will help you as you work! Happy Windowing!